Take a look around and see what calls to you. Decide on the course or courses that interest you, and then use the action button on the water lily below to sign up on a waiting list. There is no obligation. You'll be contacted regarding availability. Click below to find out more about course registration and costs.
Sometimes we need to take time to align our body, heart, and mind. This half day retreat will include sitting, walking and self compassion meditations. The retreat will be held at the Heart Space Yoga Collective
located in Ft. Myers in Cypress Square, on the NE corner of Cypress Lake Drive & McGregor Blvd. Go up the stairs, in the courtyard to Suite 30, directly above Blu Sushi.(13451 McGregor) Parking is available from Cypress or McGregor. www.heartspaceyogacollective.com
Yoga mats, chairs, and bolsters are available. However, you are welcome to bring your own mat. You may wish to bring a blanket, pillow, or cover up to feel extra cozy. Bring a water bottle.
This retreat is offered on a dana basis. Dana is the Sanskrit word for generosity, meaning we give from what we are able to give. Therefore, I have not set a price on this class, as I don't want money to be a barrier to your experience. Each person decides what they can afford, and that will be the right dana for them. You can sign up by joining the waiting list at the link above. Once you are registered, you can pay through PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. Checks are also accepted.
Take a Time Out Friday - A Free Offering of Community
You are invited to join me for a guided meditation every Friday. The meditations are offered via Zoom at 10:00am EST and 5:00pm EST. The sessions each last approximately 45 minutes and share the same topic.
These two times are to accommodate people’s schedules. Feel free to come to both. Please be on time.
No prior meditation experience is needed. You are welcome to invite others.
How to join the call:
Metta Mindfulness Morning Practice
Time: 10:00 AM EST Weekly every Friday
Join Zoom Meeting Hyperlink: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/672713947
Meeting ID: 672 713 947
Metta Mindfulness Evening Practice
Time: 5:00 PM EST Weekly every Friday
Join Zoom Meeting hyperlink: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/678063254
Meeting ID: 678 063 254
If you have trouble, you can contact me at jmaggie.stevens@gmail.com or text at 239-839-7300 and I’ll try and walk you through it.
Please share this with those who you think might benefit from it. I hope this effort will support all of us in these trying times. We can meet and sit together virtually until we can sit together physically again.
Mindfulness is the practice of developing a friendly or curious attention to the present moment without judgment. Hundreds of research studies demonstrate that mindfulness increases indicators of well being and decreases psychological and physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and pain. This half day/four hour course will provide the basics of mindfulness which can help participants start their own practice. The course includes talks, meditation practice (both sitting and walking), and discussion time. Prior meditation experience is not a prerequisite. Handouts will be given to each participant.
Mindfulness is the practice of developing a friendly or curious attention to the present moment without judgment. Hundreds of research studies demonstrate that mindfulness increases indicators of well being and decreases psychological and physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and pain. Mindfulness helps us be more at home with ourselves and more at ease with others. This six week, 90 minute per session course, includes talks, a practice time (including sitting and walking meditations), and a question and answer period. Prior meditation experience is not a prerequisite. The course includes meditation, discussion, and resources. This six week, ninety minute per session, course is limited to 12 participants.
An overview of weekly topics can be found below:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Half-Day Retreat: The course ends with an optional Meditation in the Park. Participants are invited to Lakes Park in Lee County, Florida to take part in sitting and walking meditation in the botanical garden and surrounding paths and trails. (This option is not available during COVID physical distancing, but an online version will be offered.)
Self compassion teaches us to tend and befriend ourselves as we would a beloved family member or friend. This four week, ninety minute per session course will help students awaken from the trance of self rejection and learn skills and techniques to strengthen their relationships with both body and mind. From that foundation, students will then widen their circles of compassion to include others. R.A.I.N and mindfulness meditations are significant components of this course. Prior meditation experience is helpful but not a prerequisite. The course includes meditation, discussion, and resources. This four week, ninety minute per session course is limited to 12 participants.
An overview of weekly topics can be found below:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Half-Day Retreat: The course ends with an optional Meditation in the Park. Participants are invited to Lakes Park in Lee County, Florida to take part in sitting and walking meditation in the botanical garden and surrounding paths and trails. (This option is not available during COVID physical distancing, but an online version will be offered.)
Brahmavihara is the Buddhist term which can be translated as the divine abodes or the immeasurables. There are four Brahmaviharas: Lovingkindness, Compassion, Empathic Joy, and Equanimity. In the original Pali language, these are Metta, Karuna, Mudita, and Upekka, respectively. The Dalai Lama stated that: "Lovingkindness and compassion are not mere luxuries. As the source of both inner and outer peace, they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species." In this four week, ninety minute per session course, students will learn about each of these abodes and their causes. Additionally, discussions will include the "near enemies" which are those states which may be mistaken for each abode and "far enemies" or the opposite of each quality. Lessons will also include how to balance each quality and will explore behaviors that demonstrate progress in attaining these qualities. Prior meditation experience is helpful but not a prerequisite. The course includes meditation, discussion, and resources. This four week, ninety minute session, course is limited to 12 participants.
An overview of weekly topics can be found below:
Week 1 - Lovingkindness
Week 2 - Compassion
Week 3 - Empathic Joy
Week 4 - Equanimity
Half-Day Retreat: The course ends with an optional Meditation in the Park. Participants are invited to Lakes Park in Lee County, Florida to take part in sitting and walking meditation in the botanical garden and surrounding paths and trails. (This option is not available during COVID physical distancing, but an online version will be offered.)
R.A.I.N is an acronym for a form of meditation that has been championed by meditation teacher, Tara Brach. The acronym stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. These steps, when used in meditation, support one's inquiry into the thoughts and feelings that cause dis-ease in one's body, mind, and heart. Through R.A.I.N. practice, one can begin a path towards radical compassion for one's self and others. This four week, 90 minute per session course includes meditation, discussion, and resources. Prior meditation experience is helpful but not a prerequisite. This course is limited to 12 participants.
Half-Day Retreat: The course ends with an optional Meditation in the Park. Participants are invited to Lakes Park in Lee County, Florida to take part in sitting and walking meditation in the botanical garden and surrounding paths and trails. (This option is not available during COVID physical distancing, but an online version will be offered.)
What gets in the way of living our best lives? Many things, but Buddhist psychology has narrowed it down to five states under which all the others fall. Known as the five hinderances, these states are sensory desire, ill will, laziness or sluggishness, restlessness, and doubt. These states pop up in our meditation practices and our daily lives. None of these hinderances are etched into our personality. The good news is that there are practices and antidotes for each hinderance that will support us to live more present and joy-filled lives. Prior meditation experience is helpful but not a prerequisite. The course includes meditation, discussion, and resources. This four week, ninety minute per session, course is limited to 12 participants.
Half-Day Retreat: The course ends with an optional Meditation in the Park. Participants are invited to Lakes Park in Lee County, Florida to take part in sitting and walking meditation in the botanical garden and surrounding paths and trails. (This option is not available during COVID physical distancing, but an online version will be offered.)